PagePorter Class Library

WebMetadata.WelcomeNames Property

Gets or sets the array of legal home page names for this site.

[Visual Basic]
Public Property WelcomeNames As String()
public string[] WelcomeNames {get; set;}

Property Value

The array of legal home page names for this site.


All web sites have a default page that display when you first access the site. This default page (often called the home page) is usually index.htm or default.htm, although it can have any name. Web servers, in general, let you identify a list of file names that can be default pages. The vti_WelcomeNames meta-key value contains the name(s) of the default web page(s) for the current service.

The default value is the following list of names:

The default home page name for ASP.NET pages is defined by the AspNetWelcomeName property.

See Also

WebMetadata Class | Parastream.Web.MsFrontPage Namespace