PagePorter Class Library

Parastream.Web.UI.Design Namespace

Contains classes that can be used to extend design-time support for Web Forms.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
FpControlConverter The FpControlConverter class is used by the FrontPage conversion tool to convert FrontPage webbot comment tags into HTML that will render the equivalent ASP.NET control with compatible parameters.
FpControlDesigner A base class for deriving control designers.
FpHitCounterConverter A PagePorter control converter for the FpHitCounter control.
FpHitCounterImageTypeEditor Provides a user interface to select and configure a FpHitCounter object.
FpHitCounterResetTypeEditor Provides a user interface to select and configure a FpHitCounter object.
FpHtmlMarkupConverter A PagePorter control converter for the HtmlMarkup FrontPage control.
FpIncludeConverter A PagePorter control converter for the FpInclude control.
FpIncludeDesigner A Visual Studio .NET designer for the FpInclude component.
FpLinkBarConverter A FrontPage control converter for the FpLinkBar control.
FpLinkBarDesigner A Visual Studio designer for the FpLinkBar control.
FpLinkBarFormatEditor Provides a user interface to select and configure a FpLinkBar object.
FpPurpleTextConverter A PagePorter control converter for the FpPurpleText control.
FpScheduledImageConverter A PagePorter control converter for the "ScheduledImage" flavor of the FpScheduledInclude control.
FpScheduledIncludeConverter A PagePorter control converter for the "ScheduledInclude" flavor of the FpScheduledInclude control.
FpScheduledIncludeDesigner A Visual Studio .NET designer for the FpScheduledInclude component.
FpSubstitutionConverter A PagePorter control converter for the FpSubstitution control.
FpSubstitutionVariableTypeEditor Provides a user interface to select and configure a FpSubstitution object.
FpTimeStampConverter A PagePorter control converter for the FpTimeStamp control.


Enumeration Description
FpControlConverter.ErrorCode Describes the built-in return status of the ConvertAttribute method. All values except OK are errors.