Parastream™ PagePorter™

Working with New Pages

Adding new web pages to your project may be accomplished in one of several ways.

New pages created by any of the above methods will result in a PagePorter web page the base class, shared border, and theme settings inherited from the project defaults. You may change the base class of a new page by changing the selection of the New Web Form Base Class combo box in the PagePorter toolbar before creating the new page. You may change the shared border inclusions by opening the page and selecting the page object (not "DOCUMENT") in the Properties window, and changing the Borders property. You may also change the shared border by directly editing the Borders property in the code-behind file. You may apply a theme to a page by opening it and selecting Site Properties on the PagePorter menu, and selecting the Themes tab.

Due to the way shared borders work in PagePorter, you should always add any visible HTML items inside the <form runat="server" ...> and </form> tags. Otherwise, you might see things displayed before the top border, or after the bottom border.

See Also

Getting Started | Converting FrontPage Web Pages