Parastream™ PagePorter™

Hyperlinks Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view the hyperlinks in this project. You can access this dialog box by choosing Hyperlinks from the PagePorter menu, or clicking the toolbar button.

Choose a URL from the list below to check references or perform other operations

This list displays all of the hyperlinks in the project. To use the dialog box, select a link from this list. Clicking the Verify URL button will verify the existence of the link. To see the pages and other items that contain hyperlink references to the selected link, look in the These targets reference the selected URL list. To see the hyperlink references that the selected link contains, look in the The selected URL references these targets list.

Verify URL

Clicking this button will verify the existence of the link selected in the Choose a URL from the list below to check references or perform other operations list.

These targets reference the selected URL

This list displays the pages and other items that contain hyperlink references to the selected link.

The selected URL references these targets

This list displays the hyperlink references that the selected link contains.

Recalculate Hyperlinks

Click this button if you believe the hyperlink database to be out of sync, which may happen when the site is edited outside Visual Studio .NET.