Parastream™ PagePorter™

General, Site Settings Dialog Box

Use this page of the Site Settings dialog box to change the PagePorter settings for this project. You can access this dialog box by selecting Site Settings from the PagePorter menu and then choosing the General tab.

File location

The file path of the project.

Includes a FrontPage web

Causes PagePorter to assume a FrontPage web is also present in the project, if checked. While it is generally acceptable to leave this option checked after an existing FrontPage web has been fully replaced by ASP.NET pages and components, clearing this option while there are still active FrontPage pages or components present can produce undesirable results.

By checking this option, you enable these behaviors in PagePorter:

New Web Form

Default base class for new web forms
When a Web Form is created by importing or converting a FrontPage web page or by adding a Web Form to the project, PagePorter will change the base class that the new form inherits from. This defaults to the class BasePage that is created by the PagePorter Web Site wizard. Other classes may be specified here to suit different purposes such as enforcing a secure browser connection. Changing this setting has the same effect as changing the Page Base Class combo box on the PagePorter toolbar.
Default base class for new web user controls
When a Web User Control is created by importing or converting a FrontPage shared border or by adding a Web Form to the project, PagePorter will change the base class that the new form inherits from. This defaults to the class Parastream.Web.UI.FpUserControl. Other classes, including System.Web.UI.UserControl, may be specified here to suit different purposes.
“Generator” meta tag
Specifies the string to use in the Generator meta-tag. The default is tag is:
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Parastream PagePorter 1.1">
Combine “generator” meta tags
If there is an existing Generator meta-tag, the specified content will be added in front of the existing content, separated by a comma. If this option is not checked, the specified content will overwrite any existing content.

Filename Extensions

FrontPage page extensions
A list of filename extensions used by FrontPage web pages surrounded by periods. For example, the string .htm.html.asp. specifies .htm, .html, and .asp are all FrontPage web page extensions. This is the same as the FrontPage vti_htmlextensions variable.
Web forms
A list of filename extensions used by ASP.NET Web Forms surrounded by periods. For example, the string .aspx. specifies that .aspx is an ASP.NET Web Form extension.
User controls
A list of filename extensions used by ASP.NET Web User Controls surrounded by periods. For example, the string .ascx. specifies that .ascx is an ASP.NET Web User Control extension.