Parastream™ PagePorter™

Navigation, Site Settings Dialog Box

These options apply to link bars that are based on the navigation structure of the Web site.

Link Bar Text Labels

Home page
Type the text you want for a link bar hyperlink that goes to the home page for the Web site.
Parent page
Type the text you want for a link bar hyperlink that goes to a parent-level page in the Web site.
Previous page
Type the text you want for a link bar hyperlink that goes back to the previous page a site visitor opened.
Next page
Type the text you want for a link bar hyperlink that goes forward to the next page a site visitor opened in a series of pages.
Restores the default text for link bar hyperlinks.


Navigation structure files
Enter the list of files that hold the site navigation structure. The first file in the list is the one that is read when the navigation structure is opened. All files in the list are written when the navigation structure is saved.