Parastream® WallGen™ 1.1

Known Issues

There are some known issues with this release of WallGen. Some have been discovered as a result of extensive testing, while others result from design limitations or limitations with various versions of Microsoft® Windows®.

Use of Colors

When operating with a 16-color display, please note that WallGen can use only solid colors. Although Windows will let you choose dithered (non-solid) colors for the desktop background, it would make WallGen's captions and notes difficult to read. This is the designed behavior.

When operating with a 256-color display, WallGen's preview window will display using the same standard 16 solid colors as it would in a 16-color display. When the wallpaper is saved, it displays with the correct colors. This is a design limitation of WallGen, and may be corrected in the future.

The Save As Dialog

The right-click popup help does not work in the Save As dialog box. Instead, you may click on the  ?  context-help button in the caption bar and then click on the part of the dialog in which you want help, or you can move the focus to the desired control and press F1. This is a design limitation of WallGen, and may be corrected in the future.

See Also

Parastream WallGen User's Guide