PagePorter Class Library

FileListFlags Enumeration

Option flags for the GetFileList method.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

[Visual Basic]
Public Enum FileListFlags
public enum FileListFlags


Member Name Description Value
IncludeHidden Include hidden files and folders. 1
IncludeUnderscore Include folders that begin with underscore. 2
IncludeNonHtml Include files whose extensions are not in the list of FrontPage HTML file types. 4
IncludeDontPublish Include FrontPage files marked as "Don't Publish". 8
IncludeSubwebs Include FrontPage subwebs. 16
IncludeAll The combination of IncludeHidden, IncludeUnderscore, IncludeNonHtml, IncludeDontPublish, and IncludeSubwebs. 31
Default None of the option flags. 0
FullPath Return fully-qualified pathnames instead of project-relative names. 32


Namespace: Parastream.PagePorter

Assembly: FpCtrlsUIBase (in FpCtrlsUIBase.dll)

See Also

Parastream.PagePorter Namespace