PagePorter Class Library

WebMetadata Properties

The properties of the WebMetadata class are listed below. For a complete list of WebMetadata class members, see the WebMetadata Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Properties

CnfFileName Gets the filename for the PagePorter web metadata file.
FpCnfFileName Gets the filename for the FrontPage web metadata file.

Public Instance Properties

AllNames (inherited from Metadata) Returns a string array containing the names of all of the variables in the collection.
AltFileName Gets or sets the altername filename that persists the web metadata.
ApprovalLevels Gets or sets a list of the categories available for Review Status in the Review Status Report.
AspNetWebFormExt Gets or sets the extension for ASP.NET web form pages.
AspNetWebUserCtrlExt Gets or sets the extension for ASP.NET web user control pages.
AspNetWelcomeName Gets or sets the name of the ASP.NET home page.
Author Gets or sets the author of the web.
BorderDefault Gets or sets the default shared border configuration.
CaseSensitiveUrls Gets or sets a flag that indicates if URLs are case-sensitive.
Categories Gets or sets a list of categories that are available for use in the current web.
Count (inherited from Metadata) Returns the number of variables in the collection.
DefaultAccessClass (inherited from Metadata) Gets or sets the default access class for unspecified variables.
DefaultCharSet Gets or sets the default character set in use by the web.
DefaultLanguage Gets or sets the default language in use by the web, as specified by its lcid.
Encoding Gets or sets the type of encoding used in this site.
FileName (inherited from Metadata) Gets or sets the filename of the .cnf file used to persist the collection.
HasSearchBot Gets or sets a flag that indicates is the current web includes the Microsoft FrontPage search form.
HtmlExtensions Gets or sets the file extensions of the types of supported web pages.
InsecureServerUrl Gets or sets the url of the server, if the server is not using SSL or some other secure transport method.
LongFilenames Gets or sets a flag that indicates if long filenames are supported.
NavButtonHomeLabel Gets or sets the caption for the "Home" navigation button.
NavButtonNextLabel Gets or sets the caption for the "Next" navigation button.
NavButtonPrevLabel Gets or sets the caption for the "Back" navigation button.
NavButtonUpLabel Gets or sets the caption for the "Up" navigation button.
NavigationSiteMaps Gets or sets the list of filenames and data sources to use for the navigation site maps.
ProjectFilesFrontPage Gets or sets the list of filenames in the FrontPage project.
ProjectFilesLastModified Gets or sets the date and time when the project file lists were last modified.
ProjectFilesPagePorter Gets or sets the list of filenames in the PagePorter project.
SecureServerUrl Gets or sets the url of the server, if the server is using SSL or some other secure transport method.
TextExtensions Gets or sets the three-letter file extensions that identify text files in the current web.
ThemeDefault Gets or sets the name of the default Microsoft Theme.
WebServerType Gets or sets the type of Web Server used by this site.
WelcomeNames Gets or sets the array of legal home page names for this site.

See Also

WebMetadata Class | Parastream.Web.MsFrontPage Namespace