Parastream™ PagePorter™


These tables specify the global and project settings variables used in PagePorter:

These global settings are saved in the registry.

Variable Name Default Value Description
AddinDirectories "Addins" A list of directories for add-ins, separated by semicolons (;).
BuyProductUrl "" The URL for the Buy PagePorter command.
ClassLibraryUrl "" The URL for the on-line PagePorter Class Library.
ControlBaseClasses "Parastream.Web.UI.FpUserControl System.Web.UI.UserControl" The base classes for controls, separated by spaces.
FindControlsUrl "" The URL for the Find Controls command.
IntegratedHelp 1 Set to 1 to indicate Class Library Help is integrated with Visual Studio .NET
MsdevMonikers "!VisualStudio.DTE.8: !VisualStudio.DTE.7.1: !VisualStudio.DTE.7:" Used internally help find the current running EnvDTE instance.
NavigationViewAutoHide 0 Set to 1 to make the docked Navigation View Auto-hide.
NavigationViewAutoHideRun 0 Set to 1 to make the docked Navigation View Auto-hide in run mode.
NavigationViewVisible 1 Set to 1 to make the Navigation View visible.
NavigationViewVisibleRun 0 Set to 1 to make the Navigation View visible in run mode.
NewWebTheme "PagePorter 1011" The default Microsoft Office Theme for new web sites.
PageBaseClasses "BasePage SecurePage InsecurePage Parastream.Web.UI.FpPage System.Web.UI.Page" The base classes for pages as shown in the Base Class combo in the toolbar, separated by spaces.
ProductSku "SW-80140015" The product SKU, minus the last digit and version numbers.
ProjectExtenders "{E0FDC879-C32A-4751-A3D3-0B3824BD575F} {4EF9F003-DE95-4D60-96B0-212979F2A857} {E6FDF86C-F3D1-11D4-8576-0002A516ECE8}" The GUIDs of the ProjectExtenders for the supported programming languages in PagePorter (C#, J#, VB)
ProjectItemExtenders "{EA5BD05D-3C72-40A5-95A0-28A2773311CA} {8D58E6AF-ED4E-48B0-8C7B-C74EF0735451} {E6FDF869-F3D1-11D4-8576-0002A516ECE8}" The GUIDs of the ProjectItemExtenders for the supported programming languages in PagePorter (C#, J#, VB)
ProjectItemsEventObjects "VBProjectItemsEvents CSharpProjectItemsEvents VJSharpProjectItemsEvents" The names of the ProjectItemEvents for the supported programming languages in PagePorter (C#, J#, VB)
RegisteredCompany "[Setup]" The name of the registered company, as specified during Setup.
RegisteredUser "[Setup]" The name of the registered user, as specified during Setup.
StartupCheckForUpdates 0 Set to 1 to make PagePorter check for updates when the add-in is loaded for the first time after install.
TemplateDir "C:\Program Files\Parastream\PagePorter\Templates" The full path to the PagePorter templates.
ToolbarNamespace 0 Set to 1 to make the Base Class combo in the toolbar show namespaces.
ToolbarVisible 1 Set to 1 to make the toolbar visible.
ToolbarVisibleRun 0 Set to 1 to make the toolbar visible in run mode.

These global settings are saved in the registry under the CodeSnippets\<langext> key where <langext> is the filename extension used by the language code files.

Variable Name Default Value (VB Example) Description
CaseSensitive 0 0 if the language is case-sensitive; 1 if it is.
CodeProviderClass "Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider" The type of the CodeProvider class for the language.
Keyword.This "Me" The keyword used to indicate the current executing instance of a class.
Property.Get "%VALUE% = Me.%PROPERTY%" A macro that represents a property get statement after substituting for the %VALUE% and %PROPERTY% strings.
Property.Get.Find "=:b*{Me.}*%PROPERTY%{:b|$}+" A regular expression that will find an occurrence of a property get statement after substituting for the %PROPERTY% string.
Property.Set "Me.%PROPERTY% = %VALUE%" A macro that represents a property set statement after substituting for the %VALUE% and %PROPERTY% strings.
Property.Set.Find "^:b*{Me.}*%PROPERTY%:b*=" A regular expression that will find an occurrence of a property set statement after substituting for the %PROPERTY% string.

These project settings are saved in the Project.Globals object.

Variable Name Default Value Description
PP_AutoConvertWelcome true A value that indicates if PagePorter will automatically convert default page names from FrontPage names to the ASP.NET name.
PP_BaseControl "Parastream.Web.UI.FpUserControl" The name of the base class for new ASP.NET web user controls.
PP_BasePage "BasePage" The name of the base class for new ASP.NET web pages.
PP_BorderFolder "_borders" The folder where the shared borders are located.
PP_CombineGeneratorTags false A value that directs PagePorter to preserve and combine all <meta name="generator"> tags.
PP_DontConvertOnError true A value that indicates if the PagePorter conversion operation should abort if an error is detected.
PP_GeneratedBy "Parastream PagePorter 1.2" The text to use for the GENERATOR meta tag in new PagePorter files.
PP_IncludeFpWeb true A value that indicates the presence of a FrontPage web within the project.
PP_NewCtrlWizard null The name of the Visual Studio wizard file for new web user controls for the project type.
PP_NewPageWizard null The name of the Visual Studio wizard file for new web forms for the project type.
PP_PagePorterProject false A value that indicates if the current project is a PagePorter project.
PP_PostConversionAction 0 The value of the "Choose an action below to do after a successful conversion" option.
0 = Remove the FrontPage file from the project, and mark as "don't publish" for FrontPage.
1 = Replace the FrontPage page with a link to the PagePorter page
2 = Delete the FrontPage page
3 = Leave the source file untouched. Useful when re-converting shared borders.

See Also

Reference | Environment Reference | PagePorter Components | PagePorter Installation Files | PagePorter Web Site File Structure