Parastream™ PagePorter™

PagePorter Web Site File Structure

The following table describes the structure of a basic PagePorter web site project.

Filename Owner Description
/_borders (folder) FrontPage and PagePorter Shared border HTML files.
/_fpclass (folder) FrontPage and PagePorter Include files (usually ASP) for FrontPage components.
/_private (folder) FrontPage Used to hold private files inaccessible from a browser.
/_themes (folder) FrontPage and PagePorter Holds the FrontPage theme files (read-only to PagePorter).
_derived (folders) FrontPage and PagePorter Navigation button graphics.
_vti_cnf (folders) FrontPage Metadata files for FrontPage web files.
/_vti_pvt/service.cnf FrontPage 1 The site settings metadata file.
/_vti_pvt/services.cnf FrontPage Contains a list of subweb folder names. Local only. (Read-only to PagePorter).
/_vti_pvt/structure.cnf FrontPage 1 The navigation structure data file.
/_config/service.cnf PagePorter The site settings metadata file. Usually a duplicate of /_vti_pvt/service.cnf
/_config/structure.cnf PagePorter The navigation structure data file. Usually a duplicate of /_vti_pvt/structure.cnf.
/_config/links.pld PagePorter The PagePorter hyperlinks database. Never published to the web server.
/bin (folder) PagePorter Holds executables for the ASP.NET application.
/Web.config PagePorter The ASP.NET web application config file.
  1. PagePorter has read/write access to these files locally, but are never part of the project nor can they be published by Visual Studio .NET.

See Also

Reference | Environment Reference | PagePorter Installation Files | Settings | PagePorter Components